Super Duck Biorobotic Android 2.0 for TBLeague S42A Body [SUD-SET064B]

Product Details:
HeadSculpt x 1
Goggles x 1
Headband x 1
clothes x 1
Pairof ArmWarmer x 2
Stockings x 1
Boots x 1
Sword x 1
Hand x 4
Body Not Included (Ideal for TBLeague S42A Body)
Great 2B Figure Set!
I love the quality of this SD product. Everything fits nicely with the body. Great quality. The head sculpt is also beautiful.
Nice Clothing Set
The headpiece for this set is very accurate to 2B's look and is very appealing compared to the original Super Duck Nier:A release some years back. I have the old Kaine set with 2B head, and that head was just generic. The outfit here is nice and accurate, however, it's a real bitch to put on. I believe my outfit top was slightly off on the measurements, making the top not tightly fit and shift a bit to the doll's left side. The boots were also partially off too. The left foot slipped on smoothly, but the right was very hard to get the foot all the way in. I do like this set, but I just wish they made certain parts of the oufit more stretchable for ease of wear.