1:6 Flirty Girl's V2 Tuxedo Lingerie Female Head with Softened Bob Hair Cut

Products include:
- Female rooted head sculpt
- Body and clothing sold separately
- Ideal for Phicen PL-MB2015S01A, PL-LB2015S04B, PL-LB2015S07C, PL-LB2015S10D / PLMB2016-S16A pale bodies
Flirty Girl secret soft bob headsculpt
I've wanted to purchase this headsculpt since the lady miss figure was released.I'm glad I waited because I find the sculpt more attractive in the pale skin shade it's available in now(the Phicen,TBleague ss pale body is a perfect match for this shade)Also since the wig is not glued on,you can use any Kumik type wig to give her a new hair color or style.The price is also awesome because it's very good quality.